How to download Pop Social in Mainland China
May 31, 2024

How to download Pop Social in Mainland China

This article mainly talks about how Apple and Android users can correctly download the Pop Social app in Mainland China.

For Apple Users:

I am an Apple user, but I cannot find Pop Social in the Apple Store in mainland China. What should I do?

Notice: Since domestic accounts cannot directly download Pop Social, here we recommend using a Hong Kong ID or an ID from another country to download.

How to create my Hong Kong ID

Step 1

Enter the Apple website to create an Apple ID:

Step 2

Follow the prompts to enter your personal information. Please select Hong Kong for the country and region. Please prepare a new email that has never been used to register an Apple ID to receive the verification code; it supports mobile verification for Mainland China.

Step 3

After all the information is entered, you will proceed to Email Verification.

Step 4

After email verification is completed, you will proceed to Mobile Phone Verification.

Last Step

When you reach the Login and Security page, it means your Hong Kong Apple ID has been successfully registered.

How to log in to my Hong Kong ID

Step 1

Open the App Store and click on the icon in the top right corner.

Step 2

Choose to sign out. Remember, you have to scroll down to the bottom of the page to see this option.

Step 3

Log in to the App Store with the Hong Kong Apple ID you just registered with. Here, remember to choose sign in, do not click on done in the top right corner.

Last Step

When you notice that the store content has changed to traditional Chinese, it means you have successfully switched to the Hong Kong region.

For Android Users:

Android users in Mainland China can download Pop Social via a direct link to the APK installation package.

Here it is: